Dr. Yael Bar-Zion (pedo)

yael pic (3)aaYAEL BAR-ZION, DDS

 25 Cindy Ave

Newbury Park, CA 91320


www.drbarzion.com  yaeldds@gmail.com





1999 – 2001    University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio – Pediatric Dentistry Certification

1995 – 1999    University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry – Doctor of Dental Surgery

1992 – 1995    University of California, Irvine – BS in Biological Sciences


Advanced Education

▪    Completed a two-year program with clinical and didactic training in behavior

management, oral sedation, O.R. dental rehabilitation, oro-facial trauma, interceptive

orthodontics and special patient care of children and adults.



▪    Oral Conscious Sedation                                                                           2001-Current

▪    California State Dental Board                                                                   1999-Current

▪    Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry                                  2008-Current


Work Experience

2002 – current    Yael Bar-Zion, DDS, Inc Children’s Dental Office, Newbury Park –private pediatric dental office


Professional Affiliations


▪    American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

▪    American Board of Pediatric Dentistry

▪    American Dental Association

▪    California Society of Pediatric Dentists



▪    A Retrospective Evaluation of the Clinical Performance of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Restorations in the Primary Dentition.  Mentors: T. Croll, A. Segura, K. Donly, UTHSCSA Dept of Ped. Dent.


▪    Enamel Remineralization Comparing Two Different Fluoride Varnishes:  A Polarized      Light Microscopy Study.  Mentors:  J. Vaikuntam, and A. Segura, UTHSCSA Dept. of Ped. Dent.


▪    Localization of Fibroblasts and Macrophages in Human TMJ Articular and Synovial     Tissue Using Immunohistochemistry.  Mentors:  D. Messadi and C. Bibb, UCLA School of  Dentistry




▪     UCLA Section of Pediatric Dentistry – for outstanding achievement

▪     UCLA Section of Oral Medicine & Orofacial Pain – for outstanding achievement

▪     Nathan Styrt Scholarship Award of Alpha Omega Regency, 1998